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How do I cancel an order?
Turki Alshaikh avatar
Written by Turki Alshaikh
Updated over 2 months ago

To cancel an order, go to Portfolio > Transactions > Open Orders > Select the order you want to cancel > Cancel Order. Please note, that you can only cancel orders that aren't executed yet.

If you place a buy/sell order during market hours (including extended market hours), and cancel the order during a different trading day, the order will be automatically canceled immediately before the market opens:

  • Summertime starts at 2 pm KSA time / 3 pm UAE time.

  • Winter time starts at 3 pm KSA time / 4 pm UAE time.

If you place a market order and cancel it during the market period on the same trading day, it will be automatically canceled immediately. The same applies if it is an order during extended market hours and you cancel it during the same extended market period on the same trading day, it will also be canceled immediately.

However, if the periods or trading days between the order and its cancellation are different, there will be a specific time at which the execution partner will start canceling the order 🫡

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