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Stock Prices
Mostafa Gamal avatar
Written by Mostafa Gamal
Updated over 2 months ago

Why the prices are not accurate for some stocks?

Our pricing data is currently pulled from the IEX exchange and not directly from NASDAQ/NYSE. This is because it's very costly to provide data which we currently can't provide because we don't charge for data.

Which specific stocks are displaying inaccurate data?

IEX exchange has a great volume of trades for stocks having small and above market cap so the price you would see for such stocks would be mostly almost the same, however, stocks that are below the market cap of 50M usually have much lower volume and sometimes you might see a small difference in the quote on InvestSky vs the execution (actual) price (or what you see on bigger platforms). This is why you may see the difference as they being a large corporation seem to show quotes directly from the exchanges.

Is it affecting my trades?

Never! When you buy or sell the stocks, the execution will be the same at the National Best Bid and Offer "NBBO" 👌 The difference is just only in the display of quotes when checking some stocks 🤝

We’re still working to improve and better the quote data as much as we can 🙏🏼

Any questions? 💬 Talk to us! 🥰 You can reach us at [email protected] or chat with us directly in the app (Account > Support > Chat With Us).

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